Thankful Thursday (and all the days)

I want to thank all of you (and there were lots!) for the support and encouragement provided as you helped me promote my First Prize Southern Fiction novel, Keeping to Himself. I particularly thank Dr. Julianne Still Thrift, former President of Salem College (my daughter Rowe's alma mater), for her brilliant ideas in this regard. Thank you, Dr. Thrift! Also, I have attached a link useful in finding your library in case you'd like to contact them to acquire my novel. I would appreciate that very much. While I am extremely thankful to all who have donated a copy to their local libraries, I’ve learned that they are more likely to shelve a book they order versus one that is donated.

And if you haven’t asked your local indie bookstore to stock it, here’s a link for that.

Again, than you all for your help. I am deeply thankful.